Artist Statement

Ever since I was young I was fascinated by the power of stories. For me they opened up my world to exciting possibilities as well helped me feel less alone in the world. As I got older I saw how stories could create connections between people, birth movements and inspire social change.

The Beginning of Questions that wouldn’t leave me alone.

For two decades I’ve worked as a professional actress, creator and community arts educator. After serving two terms with Americorps working with immigrants I began to make connections between my own history as a child of immigrants and my work around identity. I began to ask more questions like “how does art actually create change” and “Could the process of filmmaking help a person more deeply understand themselves” and “What could happen if people knew their true selves?” I also saw a common theme in my work of using art to process life as well as process the layers of identity that had been placed on me by society to uncover my authentic self or  “Immortal Diamond” as Richard Rohr calls it. These questions led me to pursue a masters in Social Practice Art and doing my thesis around how the creative process of filmmaking can help children of immigrants process identity. 

Our Journey

Uncovering one’s true self is a divine journey as is the artist’s journey as we work to make the unseen seen. I myself have a deep faith in God and I continue to hone my spiritual practice to meet with my creative practice in hopes of bringing to life work that moves people on a deep level to connect with their true selves, seek out their purpose, step out on faith and spark change in the world.

Why is this work so important? 

Our true selves are more than what we think. It’s more than our pursuits in life. It’s more than who are parents say we are or who society says we should be. Our identity is found knowing who we are in our creator. We aren’t just physical but also spiritual and divinity lives within us. When we tap into that part of our identity that is when we uncover that which will fulfill us and bless others. In our current world system there is a lot of noise and distractions - I believe intentionally - to keep us from uncovering our true selves. That is why this isn’t work for the faint of heart. So if you go on this journey I consider you a hero. And our world needs more heroes.

Imagine a world where more and more people find their true selves and become bolder, more courageous, more loving, more empathetic. 

I hope to create space for your journey in my creative work.  Whether it’s through acting, content creation, TV and Film or Education I hope we can impact the world together. 



Why I’m restarting YouTube


How to answer when someone asks “What are you?”