A comedy about postpartum depression and following your dreams.

Creator’s Statement

It was 2009 and I had just had my third child. I was working full time as a wellness coach at the hospital and God told me I needed to come home and be more present for my three children who all were suffering with serious allergies, eczema and asthma. I kid you not - we were in the emergency room every month with a newfound allergy - I thought CPS was going to come get me for sure! Not only were the kids having health issues but my husband was as well. On top of it I was having symptoms I would later find out were related to Multiple Sclerosis. I was TI-RED!

One day I was at my breaking point. But like any good mom I made sure to situate the kids before I let myself fall apart. On our usual group bathroom break, I placed my 5 year old on the toilet, placed my one year old on the floor to play with make up brushes while my 3 year old watched as I laid myself flat down on the cold bathroom floor and cried the loudest silent tears you could imagine. I proceeded to have an out of body experience as I looked down at this sad sight of her mom and three kids…but then something happened.

I started laughing. This was all kind of comical. My 5 year old was humming away happily on the toilet, my 1 year old was joyfully banging out a song with my makeup brushes and my 3 year old was staring at me wondering why I was laying down on the job.

This was COM-E-DY!

That’s it! I can’t be the only mom going through this! I thought. On one hand raising her family and on the other hand trying to follow her dreams.

The idea of a one woman show called Sweatpants and High Heels popped into my head! Never mind I’ve never seen a one person show - it was going to happen! Three years later I was on stage as the featured show at the 2012 Diva Fest! Two years later in 2014 I was able to take the show to New York and perform to a standing room only crowd. And yes - I was wearing sweatpants and high heels!